Students who have English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) will be supported at Waddington Primary School, within a mainstream setting, to assist in becoming capable users of Standard Australian English (SAE) for social and learning purposes. With over 40% of our students being from a background other than English, support with their learning is imperitive.
At Waddington PS we have started our journey in implementing Daily Reviews into our Literacy and Maths lessons where students are able to revise prior concepts taught and have the opportunity to apply this knowledge.
Sounds Write – As a whole school we use Sounds Write and sessions run 4 times per week 9.05am – 9.30am. Sounds Write is an explicit, high quality, research based reading and spelling programme.
Talk 4 Writing – We use Talk 4 Writing as a whole school to teach writing instruction. The Talk for Writing approach enables children to read and write independently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. A key feature is that children internalise the language structures needed to write through ‘talking the text’, as well as close reading. The approach moves from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.
Science of Reading – The literacy programs at Waddington PS are underpinned by a shared understanding of reading science. As a school, we choose methods and programs that align with evidence based research.
iMaths – As a whole school we utilise the iMaths program. iMaths cover the curriculum with a mix of transitional and digital resources. Students are required to have a student book from which they work through with the program.
Think Mentals – From Yr 2 – 6 we utilise Think Mentals every day to improve students Mental Maths capabilities. Each year level follows a consistent structure and uses the same friendly language so students can develop their mental computation skills with ease.
We have a strong focus on Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) in K – 2. Students focus on the following skills each term:
(KIDDO, 2022) -Students across all our year levels experience a range of different sports throughout the year thanks to our knowledgeable PE specialist.
Friendly Schools Plus – Students health and wellbeing is of paramount importance at Waddington PS. We utilise the Friendly Schools Plus Program developed by the Telethon Institute to introduce the students to topics such as making/keeping friends, developing empathy and skills to calm down. This resource ensures consistent language is being used across the school and that we are teaching students how to regulate their emotions in the best way possible.
Mindfulness – We do Mindfulness as a whole school every Tuesday and Thursday at 1.40pm.