From the Principal
Dear Waddington families,
It is unbelievable to think that we are well over halfway through Term 4! We have had a jam-packed term and our students have been learning so much in their classrooms. We have been completing lots of assessment and it is extremely positive to see the progress they have made. Our teachers have been busy working on reports and please remember, if you have any queries or concerns about your child’s progress, please organise to see their teacher.
Our Christmas Carols event will be here before we know it, and we hope you and your friends and family can join us on Friday the 2nd December. We will have lots of yummy food to purchase organised by our P&C, the Girrawheen Lions Club will be having their miniature train, and there will be lots of other fun activities.
Our wonderful Manager Corporate Services, Kylie Jones won her position this week and is now permanent to Waddington PS. Kylie has been a fantastic addition to our staff and we are very happy she will be staying. We are starting to look at our classes for next year and I would ask that if you know that your child won’t be coming back to Waddington in 2023, that you let us know. It is very important for us to know which students we can expect in Term 1.
We have finished some more wonderful upgrades and we hope you have all seen our beautiful new basketball court. Over the school holidays, we will be getting the ceilings replaced in the Admin block and the Staffroom block. We have also painted the Rm 9 external walls. We also hope you enjoy the new Queen’s Jubillee Garden which is a welcome addition. We are committed to making Waddington PS the best school for our students and community.
We have a survey that we would like parents/caregivers to take to help us set some priorities for 2023 around mental health and wellbeing. It is a short survey and we would really appreciate as many responses as possible. If you can help, please click on the link:
We have started assessing our students to see their progress for the year and it has been positive to see the results they have made. There have been huge gains made in mental maths, Sounds Write and with students reading and writing. Our staff are committed to all of our students making progress. Student reports will be out in Week 10, but if you would like to talk to your child’s teacher before then, please do not hesitate to contact them for a chat. A reminder that as we move towards the end of the year, our students still need to be attending every single day. Our teachers are still packing in lots of important learning and students need to be present. We have had a number of students who are coming to school late, so we ask that students get to school at 8:45am each day as we cover important information in each class each morning.
Kind regards,
Jemima Tomlinson

From the Administration Team
The term planner is updated regularly and below are some important dates to be aware of for the last few weeks of school.
Please refer to the Term Planner page under the ‘Community’ tab for the most up-to-date events for this term and the planner for Term 4 (but this may be subject to change).
Important Dates
16th November 2022 – Board Meeting – 10.30am
21st November 2022 – EarthEd Science Incursion
23rd November 2022 – Transition to Kindy Session – 10.30am
2nd December 2022 – Christmas Carols
5th December 2022 – Graduation/Book Awards
6th December 2022 – Graduation Dinner
2023 Planning
As Mrs Tomlinson mentioned, we are commencing the process of looking at classes for 2023. If you are not planning on returning to Waddington next year, please let us know as soon as possible so we have an idea of class numbers/structures for next year.
Room 1 – Learning all about Australian Animals
Well……..Week 6, Term 4 and Room 1 are working harder than ever! And we can’t believe we only have four more weeks before the end of our school year!
At the start of this term, a special possum came to visit our classroom straight out of one of our favourite stories, Possum Magic. We have been learning lots of interesting facts about possums and other Australian animals. Did you know an owl can rotate his head nearly all the way around! We then wrote our very own narrative story based on the adventures of an Australian animal and enjoyed sharing them with our friends. We are now learning to write instructions. Luckily we had a set of instructions to follow that helped us put our pet kangaroo to bed. Did you know a pet kangaroo loves a bedtime story too!
In Mathematics we have been learning how to tell time on both digital and analogue clocks. In rotation groups we play time bingo, time travel board games and time concentration to help us with reading and writing the time. We have also been learning about ‘direction’ and ‘position’ using vocabulary like: near, behind, next to, above, beneath, right and left. We even programmed our beebots and caterpillars to follow directions, moving from one point to another. And nearly every day we practice our mental maths, which we love!
This term in Art, we are making an owl collage which we are very excited to finish this week. We really enjoyed modelling and making our owls out of clay and then painting them. To finish off our collage we will be mounting them on card and of course, giving them a perch to sleep on.
We still have so many things to look forward to before the end of our year and we really can’t wait to welcome in our Christmas theme. Hopefully Possum will stay for that!

Community Notices
Triple P Online Parenting Sessions
Please see below details for free online sessions during November and December 2022.