From the Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians,
What an amazing year we have had! I love this time of year where we can stop and reflect on the progress we have made. As a school, we have had lots of changes. We have had staff leave and new people join the Waddington PS family. I would like to say thank you to Mrs Reeves, Mrs Preston and Miss Williamson who have been with us this year and made such a positive contribution to our students and school. We are hoping to have them back again for relief next year.
Our school has had lots of upgrades and new additions and I hope you agree that it is looking better than it ever has. Over the holidays we will be having further works so we can’t wait for you to notice the improvements. We have started new teaching practices with Explicit Direct Instruction now in every classroom. Student behaviour has improved and we are getting so much learning done, our teachers haven’t stopped even though its nearly the end of the year. We have high expectations of behaviour and progress for our students. No matter where they start from, it is expected that Waddington PS students will progress and always try their best. Our school review echoed this and we did a sensational job of displaying how well we do here at Waddington PS, and the Department of Education agreed.
2023 is going to be bigger and better. I am pleased to let you know that with the help of our Board, the staff have decided on a new vision for the next 3 years. It is “As a connected community, we strive to provide quality learning opportunities through evidence-based teaching, leading students to reach their highest potential in all they do” We have a new motto “Strive to succeed” and our values have increased to Persistence, Kindness, Courage, Respect and Responsibility. We feel ready as a school to take Waddington PS to the next level and provide even more opportunities and growth for our students.
None of this would be possible without the staff here. Every single person who works at Waddington PS makes this school what it is. Our staff are kind, dedicated and hard working. 2022 has been a tricky year with lots of changes and challenges. Our staff have continued to rise to every occasion, always putting our students needs first.
Speaking of staffing, I am pleased to be able to inform you of the classes and staff we have organised for 2023:
Room 9 K / PP: Mrs Ruthven and Miss Woodworth (TEACHERS). Miss Smith (EA) Mon, Tues and alternate Wed. For Term 1 only Miss Woodworth will be taking leave and we will have Miss Anya Jones covering Miss Woodworth’s Wed, Thurs and Fri classes. Mrs Ruthven will be taking Rm 9 on Mon and Tues. When Miss Woodworth returns in Term 2, she will teach Rm 9 on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri with Mrs Ruthven taking the class on Wednesdays.
Room 1 Yr 1 / 2: Mrs Webster (TEACHER) and Ms Swaine (EA)
Room 8 Yr 3 / 4: Miss Hoff (TEACHER)
Room 5 Yr 5 / 6: Mr Greer (TEACHER)
SCIENCE and PE: Ms Alana Cianosci will be returning to Waddington PS to cover these specialist subjects
MUSIC: Mrs Ibbitson
NOONGAR: Ms Slater
EAs: Mrs Nayler will be away for Term 1. Mrs Linda McKirdy will be covering her timetable for 2 days in Term 1. We are looking forward to welcoming Mrs McKirdy back to Waddington PS!
We are very excited to announce that we have 14 Kindergarten students enrolled to welcome to Waddington PS for 2023. We are also very pleased to let you know that we will be offering Maths Intervention for students who might be struggling with concepts and Maths Extension for our students who are showing high levels skills in the Maths area. This will be run by the very capable Mrs Chivers who has a wealth of experience. This is just another way that we are committed to student progress.
A reminder that school starts for Term 1 on WEDNESDAY 1st February. Booklist items are available to order through Campion Education now. In order to take advantage of free home delivery orders need to be in by 15th December 2022. These orders will be dispatched no later than the week ending 20th January 2023. Any orders placed after this date will incur a late fee of $8.00. We ask that all items are ready for Day 1, and that parents organise the iMaths text as soon as possible as this year, there was a delay for the books, so the earlier it is organised the better.
We are very excited for 2023! I would like to thank all of our Waddington families for your continued support of your children and our school. We hope you have a wonderful and safe Christmas break.
Kind regards,
Jemima Tomlinson

From the Administration Team
The term planner is updated regularly and below are some important dates to be aware of for the last few weeks of school.
Please refer to the Term Planner page under the ‘Community’ tab for the most up-to-date events for this term and the planner for Term 4 (but this may be subject to change). The Term 1 2023 planner will be uploaded to the school website early next year.
Important Dates
5th December 2022 – Graduation/Book Awards
6th December 2022 – Graduation Dinner
12th December 2022 – Commando Course – Room 5
13th December 2022 – Year 6 End of Year Excursion – Outback Splash
15th December 2022 – Term 4 concludes for students
1st February 2023 – Term 1 2023 Commences for Students
Room 8 – Ogres and more!
Week 8, Term 4 and Room 8 has been working hard to end the year strong. I can’t believe there are only 2 weeks left until these students will be in year 4 and 5!
This term we have been studying the information text, The Truth about Mountain Ogres. The students have adopted their stories and are now writing their independent stories on a magical creature of their choice. Students are further extending themselves by researching an animal of their choice and writing a new information text that they will present to the class.
In HASS, we are studying the First Nation people’s connection to the land and the different vegetations around the world. Students are creating diorama to represent allocated vegetations and are researching flora and fauna that live there.
During our Technologies unit, the students are exploring assembly lines and their pros and cons. They are exploring different processes that could be created in an assembly line, and as a class, we will be testing their theories this Thursday. We are all very excited.
The students are exploring money in our maths. It is an interesting subject, and we have discovered that, due to the use of cards, physical money is not seen often. The students have loved playing with our play money, pretending to buy things in class. We are also working on carrying and borrowing when adding and subtracting. This is a tricky subject, but the students have shown great resilience when tackling these tasks.
In the coming weeks, we are looking forward to including Christmas activities in our classroom.

Community Notices
Food Hampers – The Pantry
The Pantry offer food hampers each week for $10. These contain fresh produce, bread and sometimes cold produce as well.
These may be useful for families in the lead up to Christmas, but they are available year round.
The Pantry is located at 5/25 Dellamarta Road, WANGARA
Wednesday – 9:30am to 12:30pm
Friday – 12pm to 3pm
Note: Closed on all other days
Please phone for more information: 0492 955 712.
Athena Calisthenics Club
Please see below the flyer for the above club who are looking for new members for 2023.

Triple P Sessions – Online Seminar Series
Please see the flyer below for information on some online seminars running in December 2022.

Stirling Leisure Centre School Holiday Programs
Please scan the QR Code below for timetables of school holiday programs offered by the City of Stirling Leisure Centres.

Kingsway Indoor Stadium Open Day and School Holiday Programs

Please see below a link to the School Holiday programs on offer at Kingsway Indoor Stadium.
North East Metropolitan TAFE Semester 1 2023
Want to return to work, or change careers?
Want to work in a school?
There has never been a better time with WA unemployment at 3%.
Schools and other organisations are desperately hiring people for the following roles:
· Gardener, cleaner, administration, management, canteen, education assistants and many other roles.
Starting in January 2023, North Metropolitan TAFE are running a one-semester course on the skills required to be a successful candidate for employment in a school or elsewhere. The course gives you an employment advantage that you can’t achieve elsewhere. If you have tried and failed, we will get you to where you want to go.
We have had huge success supporting people to find work, and the chances of gaining employment are strong. This course is suitable for people new to the workforce, people looking to change career or looking for a return to work.
The course includes:
• Training in skills specific to the role you are interested in e.g. IT skills, Office 365
• Work experience in a school or other organisation
• Help and support to find work
• Help accessing further training as required e.g. Certificate III in Education Support
• Development of your job application cover letter, resume and help with selection criteria
Entry requirements:
• 18+
• Strong work ethic
• Good oral and written communication
• Must be able to read procedures, safety sheets and chemical bottles etc.
• Must be able to send and receive emails
• Successful completion of an entry interview
• Working With Children Check and a Department of Education Clearance
Course details:
- Dates – Starts week 1 of term 1 and runs for up to 20 weeks
- Many students finish the course early because they find work
- Days – 3 days per week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday during school hours
- Cost – Approximately $170 (subject to change) total course fee for full 20 weeks
- Location – North Metro TAFE Leederville and on work experience
- Qualification – GATE (Gaining Access to Training and Employment) Certificate I
To apply for this course, use the following website and select “GATE I Leederville”:
To ask questions please contact:
Chris Hodson
Disclaimer: North Metropolitan TAFE does not guarantee work after completing this course. This course supports you to find work. The course is run by North Metropolitan TAFE (RTO code: 52786) and is not endorsed by any authority or government department other than North Metropolitan TAFE.