Newsletter 4

From the Principal

Dear Waddington community,

It is hard to believe that we are already in May! I hope all the mums, grandmothers and aunties have a beautiful Mother’s Day this Sunday. We have some very hardworking caregivers in our community and I hope you all get celebrated. A reminder that our P&C Mother’s Day stall will be running on Friday 12th May for Kindy B and Kindy A and Year 1 – 6 this Wednesday 10th May. Make sure you send your child with some money so that they can buy mum/grandma/aunty a gift. A number of our staff are also mums/grandmas, and they juggle the demands of work and parenting admirably. 

I wanted to say a big thankyou to all of our caregivers as well for ensuring our students are in their school uniforms. We really appreciate the support. 

School interviews are coming up on the 24th May and I encourage you to book in to see your child’s teacher asap. You can book directly here

Alternatively, your child would have brought a note home last week with instructions. If you are unable to make the interview in person, you can book a phone interview. Please remember, students will need to be picked up at 11am on this day and they are able to attend the interview if you wish. This is such a great opportunity to find out how your child is progressing and to set some goals. 

Our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our students continues and this week our students will be having incursions all around Bullying, First Aid and Healthy Teeth. Please make sure you ask your child what they have learnt about when they get home!

On the 19th May it is P&C Day. We will be acknowledging them at our Friday assembly, but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank them as well. We may have a small school, but our parent commitment is mighty. Our P&C has worked extremely hard this year already and they are trying to raise as many funds to ensure that as a school we have access to extra resources and that we can also make the costs for EduDance and Swimming lower this year. We are very appreciative of their dedication to Waddington PS and all of our students. 

Chris Tait our gardener will be on leave for the next 2 months to welcome the arrival of his child. We wish him all the best and look forward to having him back with us. 

We have already had a lot of students unwell from colds and tummy bugs. Please ensure your child is getting lots of rest and washing their hands and faces regularly to ensure we stop the spread of germs. I would encourage you to also book in for our free flu clinic on next Thursday 18th May. If you need the QR code, please come to the front office. 

One last thing for our update, Pokemon cards are becoming a problem at school with students trading cards and then wanting them back. Please note we have banned Pokemon cards now at school so please support us in making sure that the cards do not come to school.

Kind regards,

Jemima Tomlinson 


Friendly School Plus Program

In light of our Bullying incursion today, here is some helpful information for parents about what bullying and what it isn’t.

From the Administration Team

The term planner is updated regularly and below are some important dates to be aware of for this term

Please refer to the Term Planner page under the ‘Community’ tab for the most up-to-date events for term 2 (but this may be subject to change).

Important Dates

8th May 2023 – Bullying Zero Incursion

9th May 2023 – First Aid Training (Kindy – Year 6)

12th May 2023 – Healthy Mouths Incursion (Years 3 – 6)

18th May 2023 – Free Flu Vaccinations – Staff, Students and Parents/Carers

18th May 2023 – Walk Safely to School Day

18th May 2023 – Assembly – Leaders

23rd May 2023 – Parent 3-Way interviews (Students finish school at 11am)

26th May 2023 – Sorry Day

All about nutrition……

Please see below some great information from Foodbank about the importance of cooking at home.

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2024 now open!

We are now taking Kindergarten enrolments for 2024. If you have a child who was born between the 1st July 2019 and the 30th June 2020 they are now eligible to apply. If you know other families in the local area who have children born in this period please encourage them to enrol with Waddington!

You can drop into the front office and pick up an Application for Enrolment form or download one from the schools website. Please complete the form and return to the office along with the following supporting documents –

  • Your child’s birth certificate (or other identity documents)
  • Proof of address document (copy of a power/gas bill, drivers licence, rates notice, rental agreement with your residential address)
  • Copies of any Family Court orders or other court orders relating to the care of your child (if applicable)
  • Copies of information relating to any health or medical conditions, disabilities or additional needs your child may have (if applicable)
  • If your child is not a permanent resident of Australia, you must provide their current visa documents and any previous visa document where they are currently on a bridging visa (if applicable)

Applications need to be in by 22nd July 2023. Families will be advised if their Application for Enrolment has been accepted by the end of August 2023 and then a further detailed Enrolment document will need to be completed to secure their enrolment for 2024.

Room 8 – Our Fabulous Years Three and Four….

Welcome to Term Two, the Year 3 and 4’s have handled their teacher change over well. I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to meet and teach such a kind and energetic group of children. They are learning new routines well with minor bumps along the way. They are doing their best to remember to follow all teacher instructions and to put their hands up to speak, and lots of Dojo Points are being rewarded.

We have been studying Narratives in Literacy and regrouping in Numeracy. Miss D’Addario taught the children about ANZACs last week and she will be back in the classroom at the end of the month.

Most children are remembering to bring their library bags to school which is really good to see! 

Well done to Anthony who is the Star Student of the Week, for treating others with kindness, persevering with challenging maths work and doing his best to remember using his inside voice in the classroom.

Community Notices

Food Hampers – The Pantry

The Pantry offer food hampers each week for $10. These contain fresh produce, bread and sometimes cold produce as well. 

These may be useful for families as they are available year round.

The Pantry is located at 5/25 Dellamarta Road, WANGARA.


Wednesday – 9:30am to 12:30pm

Friday – 12pm to 3pm

Note: Closed on all other days

Please phone for more information: 0492 955 712.

Soccer X – Term 2 2023 at Waddington

Sports X is happy to announce we are offering the first week of our Soccer X program at Waddington Primary School as a free trial! In order to enrol please email to confirm your place.

Free Better Health Program Term 2 2023 – Mirrabooka

Better Health program is running in Term 2 in your area and we are wondering if you are able to distribute the attached information to your school community.   

WA Health Department is supporting Better Health Company to provide FREE healthy lifestyle programs to the families of Mirrabooka who are above a healthy weight.   

We are running the Better Health Program in Mirrabooka for Term 2, 2023.   

Families need to sign up now!  

Location: Herb Graham Centre 

When: Tuesdays at 4pm for 10 weeks   

Families can register here: