From the Principal
Dear Waddington families,
Thank you so much for your ongoing support for our wonderful school.
We recently commemorated ANZAC day, welcoming special guests Ms Helen Burgess from the Roseworth Child and Parent Centre, Councillor James Rowe (Chair of the School Board), Caitlyn with Bailey (the Waddington Story Dog), and Dott and Terry from the Girrawheen Lions Club. The event was dignified and respectful, with all of our students showing exemplary behaviour. It is very important to me as an educator and leader that we really live our school values. It is not enough that we know them by name and repeat them, we must live them in our words, thoughts and actions.
I encourage the students to use them as navigational tools. Ask ourselves the question “Am I operating outside of my values? Is this action showing kindness, do these words convey respect, am I taking responsibility for my behaviour, my forgotten library book, my lost jumper?”.
At Waddington, we have high expectations of all our students and strive to build their characters in order that they grow into young people and adults who continue to hold high the values of Respect, Responsibility, Courage, Kindness and Persistence. The high expectations continue in our work with delivering the best possible educational programs and having a culture of best practice.
Also a timely reminder regarding our dress code, especially as we are heading into winter and the mornings are starting to get cold, please remember we require students to wear the school uniform jumpers only to school (no hoodies). Additionally, students should not attend school with dyed hair.
I recently applied for our school to participate in the Quality Teaching Strategy (QTS) partnerships initiative. The QTS is the Department of Education’s position on excellence in teaching practice. I am happy to inform you that our application was successful. This means that Waddington Primary is now one of the partnership schools working closely with lead schools to build the capacity of our staff and improving teaching practice.
It is without doubt, we are on an exciting journey and with our number of students on role now topping 103, we are moving from strength to strength. It is my privilege to be leading Waddington into the future, building on the strong foundations and Striving to Succeed in all that we do.
Kind regards,
Katherine Chivers

From the Administration Team
Term 2 Planner
The term planner is updated regularly and below are some important dates to be aware of for term 2.
Please refer to the Term Planner page under the ‘Community’ tab for the most up-to-date events for the term (but this may be subject to change so please check regularly).
Important Dates
2nd May 2024 – P&C Meeting – 2pm
7th May 2024 – P&C Mother’s Day Stall – Kindy students
10th May 2024 – P&C Mother’s Day Stall – Pre-Primary – Year 6 students
20th May 2024 – Kindness Day
20th May 2024 – Newsletter – Week 6
22nd May 2024 – National Simultaneous Story Time – whole school
24th May 2024 – Assembly – Room 5
27th May 2024 – National Reconciliation Week
30th May 2024 – Science Incursion – Year 3 – 6
31st May 2024 – Staff Development Day – Students do not attend
3rd June 2024 – Public Holiday – WA Day
6th June 2024 – Science Incursion – All About Bees – Year 1 – 2 students
14th June 2024 – Interschool Lightning Carnival
28th June 2024 – Term 2 2024 ends
WA Student Assistance Payment (WASAP)
The WA Student Assistance Payment (WASAP) is from the state government. Parents and carers of eligible students can claim the payment to help with the cost of schooling.
The payment for a:
- primary school student, including Kindergarten, is $150
- secondary school student is $250.
Claims are open. The last date to receive claims is 28 June 2024.
Claim process
The preferred method for claims is through the ServiceWA app. If parents and carers are unable to claim through ServiceWA, there are alternative ways to submit a claim.
In order of preference, a claimant can use the:
Claimants must send the printable claim form to:
Department of Education
Reply Paid 85719
East Perth WA 6892
Everyday counts!

Free internet for unconnected families with school-aged students
School Student Broadband Initiative provides free home internet for unconnected families with school-aged students until 31 December 2025.
The Australian Government School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is offering free home internet for eligible families with school-aged students until 31 December 2025.
To be eligible, families must:
- have no active broadband service
- have a device capable of accessing the internet
- live in premises where they can access a standard NBN service
- have a child living at home who is enrolled in an Australian school.
The free broadband starts from the day the service is activated with a participating internet provider. Families will not be placed on a paid service by the internet provider at the end of the free service without consent.
For more information and a list of participating internet providers, visit NBN Co School Student Broadband Initiative or call 1800 626 269.
If you think you are eligible and want to self-nominate for the free broadband offer:
- call the National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 (Monday to Friday, 10 am to 6 pm Australian Eastern Daylight-saving Time)
- visit the School Student Broadband Initiative website.
For technical support in more than 100 regional and remote communities throughout Western Australia, contact your local Community Resource Centre.
From the P&C
With Mother’s Day only 2 weeks away the P&C are busy preparing for the annual Mother’s day stall and raffle.
The stall will be held in week 4, on Tuesday 7th May for our Kindy students and on Friday 10th May for Pre Primary to Year 6 students.
Please look out for further details coming home this week.

Breakfast Club – Thank you Woolworths Mirrabooka!
We would like to acknowledge with thanks Woolworths Mirrabooka for supporting our schools breakfast club, our students appreciate your support!

From the School Nurse
Anaphylaxis – What Is It?
Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and can be life threatening. For people at risk, anaphylaxis occurs quickly after contact to the food, insect’s or medicine to which the person is allergic.
It is very important that people at risk of anaphylaxis avoid any contact with the trigger (allergen). This is especially important with food allergy – a severe reaction can occur if the allergic person comes into contact with even a tiny amount of the food.
Anaphylaxis must always be treated as a medical emergency. Adrenaline autoinjectors (EpiPen®) contain a single, fixed dose of adrenaline which must be given to the person as soon as possible. Immediate administration of adrenaline is the only treatment that works for anaphylaxis.
Emergency first aid for anaphylaxis
- Lay the person flat, do not stand or walk. If breathing is difficult, allow to sit.
- Give the adrenaline autoinjector without delay. (Make a note of the time it was given.)
- Ring an ambulance – 000.
- Stay with and reassure the person. Do not allow the person to walk at any time.
- Give another adrenaline autoinjector if no improvement after 5 minutes
- If the person loses consciousness and there are no signs of breathing, begin CPR.
- Monitoring in a hospital is required for 4-6 hours, even if symptoms improve.
Anaphylaxis – Recognising A Severe Allergic Reaction
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction which can be life-threatening. It can cause constriction of the airway and/or a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Look for one or more of the following:
- Difficult or noisy breathing
- Swelling of the tongue
- Swelling or tightness of the throat
- Wheezing or a persistent cough
- Difficult talking and/or a hoarse voice
- Persistent dizziness or collapse
- Pale and floppy (especially in young children)
- Abdominal pain or vomiting (if following an insect bite or sting)
It is important to lie the person flat and get help fast.
Some allergic reactions are mild or moderate. These reactions may involve hives, welts, tingling mouth, and/or swelling of the lips, face and eyes. Mild reactions to food can involve abdominal pain and vomiting. Anaphylaxis (severe reaction) may or may not involve these signs and symptoms.
Food intolerances are not life-threatening and should not be confused with food allergies.
For further information contact:
- Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
- Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
- Western Australian Department of Health
Anaphylaxis – Checklist For Parents Of Students At Risk
- Tell the school administration if your child has been prescribed an adrenaline autoinjector (i.e. EpiPen), has experienced anaphylaxis, has any changes in allergies, and/or any other health care needs that may affect anaphylaxis management.
- Make sure you give the school an adrenaline autoinjector, which is clearly labelled for your child.
- If old enough, make sure your child carries an adrenaline autoinjector and knows how to use it. Show his or her friends, brothers and sisters if they are old enough to understand.
- Provide an ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis completed and signed by your child’s doctor. Update the plan (including a photo of your child) when the adrenaline autoinjectors are renewed (usually every 12-18 months). Action Plans are available from
- Help the school to develop an Individual Health Care and Risk Minimisation Plan for your child.
- Educate your child about how to avoid known allergens (triggers).
Remind your child to immediately tell someone if she/he feels sick.
Room 1 – learning all about deserts!
What an exhilarating and eventful year it’s been for Room One so far! And we’ve only just started Term Two, with plenty more excitement ahead and countless learning opportunities awaiting us.
Our new theme this term is The Desert. Students have taken a great interest in learning about this harsh but amazing environment. Together, we are building up a great vocabulary to help describe and understand what the desert is really like. Did you know the largest desert on Earth is Antarctica?
Students’ literacy learning has revolved around the Desert theme. They are currently gearing up to write an informational text about a desert animal as part of our Talk For Writing Program. A notable aspect of this will be the creation of a diorama to showcase their work.
Students are working diligently in their Literacy and Numeracy groups, striving hard to achieve their individual goals. A definite highlight of Numeracy is completing Mental Maths tasks on the iPads. Students are also making such pleasing progress in their oral reading fluency, which continues to strengthen and improve through our daily Two-Minute Fluency reading activity.
Being such a creative class, Art and Music are always a highlight of the week. Mr Longman along with our Artist in Residence, Jodie, have helped in nurturing the students’ creative abilities.
A very special part of this Term’s History unit has been the exploration of Anzac Day and what it means to us. Room One showed profound respect and kindness during our Anzac Service last Friday. It was truly heart-warming to witness each student honouring this significant event in history.
Room One students should feel very proud of how hard they have worked so far this year and of the progress they have made so far….Keep it up Room One, You are Stars!

Community Notices
Junior Basketball – Stirling Leisure Centres

Dianella Secondary College Opening Evening – 6th May 2024
If your child is in Year 4, 5 or 6, you are invited to attend the Dianella Secondary College Open Evening, happening Monday, 6 May 2024 from 3:30pm – 6:30pm.
The Dianella Secondary College Open Evening is a great opportunity to tour the award-winning school and its facilities as and get to know our staff.
Come and see the school’s interactive displays which showcase student work from a variety of learning areas, tour our state-of-the-art Hospitality Trade Training Centre, Mila Kaadadjiny STEM Centre, and our fantastic Dandjoo Performing Arts Centre.
Interested in STEM or Soccer? Then why not apply for our STEM or Soccer Academy.
Applications for 2025 close in Term 3 so get in early and apply now!
RSVP now via
For more information, please visit our Facebook page

Triple P Free online courses
Free Positive Parenting Courses
This week, Triple P International have released another program to their suite of FREE online evidence-based parenting programs. The new addition is Family Transitions Triple P Online for parents going through separation or divorce.
Here is an overview of the content:
- Support your child to manage their emotions and develop good coping skills
- Based on proven psychology principles and research
- Learn ways to minimise negative impacts and help your child to feel supported and secure
- Handle difficult moments more calmly and confidently
- Improve communication and reduce conflict with your former partner
- Take better care of your own emotional and social wellbeing
- Adapt and evolve in your new family dynamic
Other FREE Triple P Online programs include:
- Baby Triple P (for parents and carers to be or with a baby under 12 months old)
- Triple P Online (for parents of young children under 12 years)
- Fear-Less Triple P Online (for parents of children with anxiety age 6+)
- Family Transitions Triple P Online (for parents going through separation or divorce)
- Coming soon! Stepping Stones Triple P Online (for parents of a child with a disability)
Teen Triple P Online is also available (for parents of pre-teens and teens, 10-16 years) at a cost of $89.40. Families enrolled in government schools can apply for a FREE funded code to access this program through their school psychologist or the Triple P team at Statewide Services.
To register, please visit this website: Positive parenting in Western Australia | Triple P programs near you | Triple P ( or follow the QR code –

Free online parent workshops – Term 2 2024
Please click on the download button below for further information about various workshops that are being facilitated by school psychologist consultants with Triple P and Child and Parent Centre teams.
Roseworth Child and Parent Centre – Free Parent workshops May/June 2024