Newsletter 7

From the Principal

Dear parents/guardians,

Welcome to Week 3! We have had a super busy start to the term. 

This week we will be celebrating NAIDOC. Balga SHS will be coming in on Friday to conduct workshops with our students all around Noongar culture. They will also be holding an assembly which will start at 11.30am. All parents and community members are welcome to attend! We will also be officially thanking Noleen Brockman and Loretta Egan for the beautiful mural that they painted of the Rainbow Serpent. I think you will all agree that this is a stunning addition to our undercover area and it was wonderful to have the original artists from the existing murals paint it. 

You may have noticed we have welcomed Mrs Kylie Jones into the front office as our new Manager Corporate Services (MCS). Mrs Jones has the position for 6 months while we run the permanent process. She has been at lots of different schools and has a wealth of experience in the MCS role. Thank you to all of you for already making her feel welcome. We have also welcomed Mrs Vickie Preston (EA) who is with us in Room 4 on Monday’s and Tuesday’s. 

Our hard-working Ms Swaine has converted a storeroom in Block 3 to a Uniform Shop! This is very exciting for us as we can now have a set time for uniform purchasing. This will happen every Friday at 2:45pm – 3:30pm. We do not have EFTPOS facilities so we ask that you bring the correct cash or you can do direct deposit. It is so pleasing to see students wearing uniforms and I appreciate you all for ensuring they are wearing them. If you would like to know the price for uniform items, please check out our website at

Our K/PP area will be getting a brand new playground in a couple of weeks AND a new cubby house! We are dedicated to making this a beautiful space for our young students. A reminder for parents who have Kindergarten students starting next year, spaces are limited so please come and get your enrolment forms asap!

Lastly, we have a very exciting opportunity for our Waddington families. The Smith Family have opened up an Educational Scholarship to our Waddington families. ANY family can access this (K – 6) all you need is a Health Care Card. If you sign up, you get two payments per year to assist with buying your child’s stationery, uniforms etc. If you have more than one child that is also not a problem, they can all sign up. The process is extremely easy and I would highly recommend getting onto it if you think this would help your family. If you are interested, please see Ms Chivers or Amy (Chaplain). 

Don’t forget, Room 1 have their assembly on Wednesday as well so we hope to see you then! 

Kind Regards

Jemima Tomlinson


From the Administration Team

The term planner is updated regularly and below are some important dates to be aware of for the next few weeks.

Please refer to the Term Planner page under the ‘Community’ tab for the most up-to-date events for this term.

Important Dates

3rd August 2022 – Assembly – Room 1 – 9am

5th August 2022 – NAIDOC – Balga SHS to run

15th August 2022 – Constable Care Incursion

16th August 2022 – Parent Information Night – Bee Houses

17th August 2022 – Bee Incursion

19th August 2022 – Bee activity in classes

Room 1 – Outback Australia

Room One is ready for an outback adventure enjoying the start of the new classroom Theme, ‘Outback Australia’. Mischievous Tiddalick the frog could not wait to hop into the classroom and find his spot next to the billabong, keeping an eye on our hard-working students.

Tiddalick and other Australian bush animals have been the inspiration for many classroom learning experiences. Students have researched and written facts about Australian animals, enjoyed making Australian animal puppets come to life, read big books, and have even made their very own frog from a sheet of folded paper. In Talk for Writing, students are learning about poetry and cinquain poems. They are experts in reciting, with actions, cinquain poems based on Australian bush animals…and it is nearly time for them to become poets and write their very own.

The Room One students love reading and practice every day. They love reading to themselves, to a partner, and even to Tiddalick during English sessions.

And our ‘Reading Seasons Corner’ is the place to be when enjoying a book of choice. Students have decorated the corner with carefully cut snowflakes to give it a real winter feel. Wonder what the reading corner will look like in Spring?

Where else does Room One love to go to read….the Library of course! Not only is it borrowing time during library sessions on Tuesdays, but students get the chance to read, listen to a story and even learn how to play different board games.

As part of our Mathematics program this term, the students are now working on multiplication and division concepts and also investigating 3-D shapes. They have enjoyed hands-on activities during maths group rotations to help consolidate these concepts.

What a fabulous start to Term 3 and so many things to look forward to! Keep up the great work Room One!

Community Notices

Wanneroo Giants Baseball Club

The Wanneroo Giants Baseball Club is a local club that encourages school aged children to participate within a team to play a sport that is suitable for all abilities.

The club would like to extend an invitation for all Waddington PS students to attend a Come and Try day being held at the club on Saturday August 6th. This event is run by qualified coaches and is a great opportunity for boys and girls to experience baseball in a safe and encouraging environment.

Please see the details below on how to register for this free event and the costs should your child like to join the club.

Free Parenting Workshops

Please see below some flyers regarding some great parent workshops coming up. Parents struggling with behaviours and toileting may be interested in attending.