From the Principal
Dear Waddington Families,
I would like to say a big thank you to you all for your support with our Faction Carnival on Friday. For those who attended and weathered the rain and chill, for those who supported with faction themed dress, and for those who were unable to attend but support from the sidelines. You are all appreciated. A big thank you also goes out to our P&C who provided refreshments and a delicious sausage sizzle on the day.
Swimming lessons are approaching mid Term 4. The information regarding timings and payment options are coming home with students today. Due to a change in scheduling of the lessons, the cost is less this year. Kindergarten students do not attend swimming, and so will remain in school with their teacher following a normal timetable.
The last two weeks of term are going to be busy, with lots of exciting events planned. Please check the calendar of events that is on our website to keep up to date with what is happening. On the last day of term, we are celebrating Book Week at Waddington. The theme this year is Reading is Magic. Students are invited to dress up as a favourite book character. Families are invited to the Book Day Parade at 2:40pm to see our staff and students showcase their costumes.
On a side note, can I please ask that we do not have dogs on school site. We have noticed an increase in parents bringing dogs with them at drop off and collection times. While I appreciate that they are much loved members of your family, it is a Department of Education policy that dogs are not permitted on school sites. We do have our Story Dog, Bailey who visits us and works with students. He undergoes rigorous training and safety assessments before this happens to ensure that he does not pose a risk to any students or staff.
Thank you again for your support for our school. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. Please note that Monday 7th October is the first day back for students.
Warm wishes,
Ms Katherine Chivers
From the Administration Team
Planning for 2025
Just a reminder for families to notify the school if they are not returning to Waddington PS next year. This assists the school with planning for 2025. If your child(ren) will not be returning to Waddington, please drop into the front office as we have copies of the forms sent out earlier this term for families to notify us in writing if they won’t be returning. Thank you in advance.
Term 3 Planner
The term planner is updated regularly and below are some important dates to be aware of for the rest of this term and the start date for Term 4. Students and Staff now start back on Monday 7 October 2024 as the Staff Development Day has been moved to Friday 1 November 2024.
Please refer to the Term Planner page under the ‘Community’ tab for the most up-to-date events for the term (but this may be subject to change so please check regularly). To assist families with planning for the busy end of the school year, we have also uploaded the Term 4 planner.
Important Dates
9 September 2024 – Newsletter published
10 September 2024 – Story Dogs 8.45am – 10.15am
10 September 2024 – Brownes Dairy Excursion – Years 2 – 6
11 September 2024 – Family Afternoon Tea – Staff Room 1.45pm – 2.30pm
12 September 2024 – R U OK Day
13 September 2024 – Assembly – Room 9 and 4
16 September 2024 – Book Fair 3.00pm – 3.30pm
17 September 2024 – Story Dogs 8.45am – 10.15am
17 September 2024 – Book Fair 3.00pm – 3.30pm
18 September 2024 – Book Fair 3.00pm – 3.30pm
18 September 2024 – Student Leaders YES Conference
19 September 2024 – Fire and Emergency Incursion Room 8 – 2.00pm – 3.00pm
20 September 2024 – Book Week Parade 2.30pm
20 September 2024 – P&C Pizza Day (Free for students)
20 September 2024 – Term 3 ends
7 October 2024 – Term 4 starts for Staff and Students
Interm Swimming – Term 4 Week 5
Today students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 will be bringing home their term 4 interm swimming notes. Please check your child’s bag for this information.
This year lessons are condensed into one week and the cost for families is therefore reduced to $37 per child. Lessons need to be paid in full by Friday 25 October. Please see below details of payment options for families.

Important Reminder – School Carpark Area
We ask families to please refrain from using the disabled parking bay when dropping off or collecting children. This is not a general parking area and must only be used by those who are eligible to use it. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Family Afternoon Tea – Wednesday 11 September 2024
Please see the flyer below for this weeks Family Afternoon Tea. Please RSVP today if you would like to attend.

Free internet for unconnected families with school-aged students
School Student Broadband Initiative provides free home internet for unconnected families with school-aged students until 31 December 2025.
The Australian Government School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is offering free home internet for eligible families with school-aged students until 31 December 2025.
To be eligible, families must:
- have no active broadband service
- have a device capable of accessing the internet
- live in premises where they can access a standard NBN service
- have a child living at home who is enrolled in an Australian school.
The free broadband starts from the day the service is activated with a participating internet provider. Families will not be placed on a paid service by the internet provider at the end of the free service without consent.
For more information and a list of participating internet providers, visit NBN Co School Student Broadband Initiative or call 1800 626 269.
If you think you are eligible and want to self-nominate for the free broadband offer:
- call the National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 (Monday to Friday, 10 am to 6 pm Australian Eastern Daylight-saving Time)
- visit the School Student Broadband Initiative website.
For technical support in more than 100 regional and remote communities throughout Western Australia, contact your local Community Resource Centre.
Everyday counts!

2024 Faction Athletics Carnival Results
Last Friday we held our Faction Athletics Carnival, even in the rain and wind the students, staff and supporters gave their best. Thank you to Mr Milner for organising, setting up and running the day, along with all the staff who supported him.
Congratulations to Meeka who were the overall winners on 362 points, followed very closely behind by Kala on 353 points.
Please see below the students who placed Champion and Runner up on the day. Well done to all our competitors!
Junior Girls | Junior Boys |
Champion Syeni W Runner up Angeline D | Champion Angus W Runner up Mason L |
Intermediate Girls | Intermediate Boys |
Champion Harleyah M Runner up (tie) Lilly C and Nevaeh J | Champion Naksh B Runner up (tie) Jayden F and Ehsan H |
Senior Girls | Senior Boys |
Champion Eboni W Runner up Asija O | Champion Yusuf J Runner up Subhan R |
From the P&C
We have a number of activities coming up which we would like to let families know about. Please have a read and mark these dates in your calendar!
P&C Pizza Day – Free for all students (PP to Year 6)
The P&C are providing all students on the last day of this term free pizza and a drink for our wonderful students and to acknowledge the additional expenses families have had this term. What a wonderful way to end what has been a very busy Term 3.
P&C Bunnings Sausage Sizzle – Term 4 end of Week 3
P&C will be running a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle fundraiser on Saturday the 26 October 2024 at the Malaga store. The P&C will be looking for volunteers to help out with shifts during the day. If you can spare some time to help out, please let the front office know. Further details will be available next term.
P&C Halloween Disco – Term 4 Week 4
P&C will be running their annual Halloween Disco in week 4 of next term on Thursday 31 October. Further details will be available at the beginning of next term so keep an eye out!
From TheirCare – Before and After School Care
Look what our students have been up to with TheirCare this term.

Breakfast Club – Thank you Woolworths Mirrabooka!
We would like to acknowledge with thanks Woolworths Mirrabooka for supporting our schools breakfast club, our students appreciate you!

From the School Nurse
Dental Health – Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy
Teeth are important possessions. Here are some tips for keeping them healthy.
- Clean teeth, gums and tongue at least twice a day with a soft toothbrush. Parents should supervise tooth brushing until children are 8 or 9 years old as children do not have the dexterity to brush the molars properly until then.
- Adults and children should use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Toothpaste should be spat out after brushing and never eaten or swallowed. Do not rinse your mouth out with water after brushing your teeth.
- Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after brushing and store it hygienically. Replace your toothbrush regularly.
- Older children and adults should floss their teeth daily.
- Eating and drinking healthily is important for keeping your teeth healthy – try to keep away from too much sugar, especially between meals.
For more dental health information, go to or . The School Dental Service provides free general dental care to school children throughout Western Australia, from pre-primary through to Year 11 (or 17th birthday). To contact your closest Dental Health Services call on 9313 0555 or go to
Ms Mel Arnson
School Nurse
Room 1 – Travelling Through Term Three
Room One had an absolutely jam-packed, exciting term filled with adventure and loads of learning. This term was inspired by the Olympic Games and our own Sports Carnival. Through these, students experienced what it would be like to travel to another country and explore the wonderful landmarks of the world, with the Eiffel Tower being their favourite! Did you know that nearly 7 million people visit it every year? Students enjoyed the challenge of constructing their own towers in Design and Technology, built to hold two Lego people. The learning and language that came out of these experiences were amazing!
Students also wrote fabulous narrative stories about traveling to different destinations, each running into a problem along the way. Luckily, our young writers always had a solution up their sleeve. Students loved the way they could travel through writing and reading without leaving the classroom! And just like our Olympic athletes, they learned the importance of keeping themselves healthy and fit, which was the theme of our persuasive texts. Did you know that ‘moving’ sends positive messages to your brain and makes you feel happy?
In Geography, Room One has been learning about ‘Australia and Our World,’ exploring natural, constructed, and managed features, as well as various landforms. It was fascinating to discover how we are connected to different countries through family, food, clothing, and travel.
It has been wonderful to see students working hard on strengthening their mental number facts this term! They have gained speed with quick recall of adding, subtracting, and multiplying facts through timed ‘two-minute number fluency’. Students love reading large numbers with five, or more digits and identifying which are odd and which are even. They are even reading numbers into the millions! Room One has also enjoyed working on money tasks through buying and selling activities, and giving change. They are becoming experts in 3-D shapes as well; describing, identifying, drawing, and constructing different shapes and objects.
And to think, we still have more exciting things to look forward to this term, including the Browns excursion tomorrow! Students have loved investigating the journey of milk, from the ‘cow to the table’, and now we will get to see part of it in action!
An absolutely wonderful term Room One, and who knows where Term Four will take us….maybe into Space!

Community Notices
Free parent workshops (online and face-to-face) Term 3 and Term 4 2024
Please see below some flyers for a number of parents workshops this term and term 4 2024 and some September school holiday activities.

Wanslea – Bringing up Great Kids (Term 4)
Please see the flyer below for term 4 free parenting workshops being held at the City of Stirling (Mirrabooka).

Please click on the link below to register if you are interested in attending.

Better Health Program – FREE Government Funded
Please see below details of a free 10 week program for families, just register via the details in the flyer.

Saver Plus Program
What is Saver Plus?
Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about enhancing financial skills, to develop (and keep) good savings habits. Since 2003, Saver Plus has supported more than 60,000 people to start saving.
Saver Plus has helped overcome the barriers around education expenses. And sets families up for a brighter future.
To be eligible You must have all of the following:
- A Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card
- an eligible Centrelink payment*
- Be studying yourself OR have a child in school (can be starting school next year)
- Have regular income from work (either yourself or your partner)* including Carers Payment / Child Support / Cash in hand
- Be 18+ years old
- Agree to join in free online financial education workshops called MoneyMinded
- Not completed Saver Plus previously
* Many types of income and Centrelink payments are eligible, see the Saver Plus terms and conditions for more information.

Landsdale Little Athletics Registration Day
Please see below the flyer for this sporting clubs registration day this Saturday 14 September 2024.